
Coronavirus Update

If everything goes to plan we will be reopening for night time bookings  from the 27th September. A further update will be posted regarding daytime bookings once we get clarification. 

Please refer to https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19 for information on the virus.

Where we are situated

The Livingston Village Community Education Centre is based within the Livingston Village Primary School and has the following facilities available for hire.

Our facilities

Gym hall  

A large space suitable for sports activities and classes

Available weekday evenings after 6pm and weekends

Community room 1

This space has the benefit of an additional small kitchen (at no extra cost) and is available weekdays, evenings and weekends (subject to existing bookings – please check our online diary for more details)

Community room 2 

This  space is available weekdays, evenings and weekends

(subject to existing bookings -please check our online diary for more details)

Meeting room

A smaller room most suitable for business meetings, one-to-one consultations etc

Available weekdays, evenings and weekends ( subject to existing bookings -please check our online diary for more details)

Why we are here

This Community Centre has been provided by West Lothian Council to improve the opportunities for recreation, leisure, sport and education to local residents.

How we are managed

It is managed by a committee of dedicated volunteers (elected by vote at our AGM annually) who ensure that the facility is well maintained and offers the community a selection of activities and opportunities that meet the needs of local residents.

What we do with the funds raised

Perhaps most importantly, the committee ensures that the funds generated by letting the spaces are redistributed into the community via grants to local groups for those activities and services that provide most benefit to local residents.

Copyright © 2018-2025
Livingston Village Community Education Centre Association
Registered charity SC014391

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